Yonatan (Yoni) Kahn
Assistant Professor of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Office: Loomis Laboratory of Physics 415, 1110 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801
Email: yfkahn@illinois.edu
Prospective undergraduate students: if you are a current undergraduate physics major at UIUC interested in doing research in my group, please send me an email and make an appointment. Generally students should have taken relativity (PHYS 225) and quantum mechanics (PHYS 486), but some music-related projects may only require classical mechanics (PHYS 325) and math methods of the kind covered in PHYS 225.
Prospective graduate students: I am not currently taking graduate students, but that situation may change in the next 1-3 years. If you are a prospective graduate student, please apply here and mention my name as a faculty member of interest. Unfortunately I cannot individually advise students on their prospects of admission.
Prospective postdocs: Please watch this space for future postdoc openings.